
Convert .py files to .exe using cx_Freeze

cx_Freeze is used for converting .py files(or programs) to .exe files(or executables). It is similar to py2exe and pyinstaller, the good thing about this module is that it is cross platform and it works on Python2.4 and higher versions. It even works in Python3.

Python - Create .exe from .py file (using PyInstaller) - For Windows

To be able to distribute a Python program or Python script without requiring the end user to install Python, the Python code should be converted to executable(.exe) file.

One module that can be used to convert .py files to .exe files is PyInstaller. To use PyInstaller, follow the procedure below:

Python Development Using Eclipse IDE

To code Python in Eclipse, follow the procedure below:

Python and Eclipse Installation

1. Install Python if it is not yet installed. The installer can be downloaded from
2. Install Eclipse if it is not yet installed. Go to and download eclipse.

PyDev Plug-in for Eclipse

Python - Working With Excel Files Using xlrd and xlwt

To work with excel files in Python, you can use xlrd and xlwt libraries - xlrd is used for reading or extracting data from an existing excel file and xlwt is used for writing or creating an excel file.

Downloading xlrd and xlwt:

    2. Select the desired package (preferably the latest package)
    3. Download the desired package(click xlrd-v.v.v.tar.gz or click on the download xlrd-v.v.v.tar.gz button, where v.v.v is the version)


C GUI in Windows Using GTK+

You have written enough console application codes. Now you want to create applications that has Graphical User Interface(GUI). The GTK+ Project can help you with that.

Let Us C!

C Programming Language Tutorials

Below are 9 useful websites for those who want to learn C programming language. Recommended tutorial websites are tutorialspoint - C Programming Tutorial and zentut - C Tutorial.